You can continue to use this domain or change it by choosing
One of the following options: Link your store to a domain you already own from a specialized domain website. Buy a domain from Shopify. Click on Add domain as shown in the following image to go to the page for adding your domain: After clicking the previous button, the page shown in the following image will appear. As you noticed, this page is one of the sections for managing your store on the Shopify website.The previous image contains the subdomain from the Shopify Chinese Europe Phone Number List platform domain, which you chose in the first steps. Click on buy new domain to purchase a new domain from the Shopify website, and you will be taken to the page that enables you to search for the domain name that you want to buy from the Shopify website itself. See the following image: As you can see, I searched for the availability of the name Shopo to be the domain name for my store, and several options appeared to me: is out of stock which means it has already been purchased by another user. There are other domains that I can purchase such as and others. The annual domain subscription price is $15.
There are a large number of suggested names that do not appear but can be accessed by clicking on Show next 10. For more information about domain names, you can use our special guide that will help you choose the appropriate domain name for you . To connect a domain that you already own, click on the Connect existing domain button shown in the image before the previous one, and you will be taken to the page shown in the following image: Type your domain name in the field in the previous image. For example, I wrote a domain name and clicked the Next button to show me the result shown in the following image:As you can see from the previous image, the domain is available through GoDaddy , the famous company in the field of domain selling.