The authors also discuss research
What Schultz is really doing is taking this model to an even higher level. He s managing leading people continuously improving process work and maximizing customer value. This reminds us that when we re in the lead there s no room for relaxing the effort. Schultz is the master of that. All creat CEO s are the master of that There s a free white paper at ThreeBellCurves that explains the nature of business culture. When you read it think of Howard and lesser leaders and think about where they excel and where they miss the mark.If YOU are a CEO think of yourself andAgglomeration and Innovation by Gerald A. Carlino and William R. Kerr It is well known that population and economic activity are spatially concentrated or clustered. But why does innovative activity tend to occur in clusters What is the best way to measure this concentration And what is the economic impact of this concentration Chinese Overseas America Number Data The authors take up these and related questions in this paper a chapter of the forthcoming Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics. They summarize recent literature on agglomeration and innovation and explore how it relates to economic performance and growth.
They also discuss the difference between invention vs. innovation and how these forces are measured review patterns of innovation and agglomeration and describe formal theories linking agglomeration and innovation. on other factors that work to sustain agglomeration clusters link global clusters together promote large vs. small company innovation and similar phenomena. Throughout they highlight important areas for future research. Key concepts include Empirical measurement in urban economic studies has made substantial strides forward in the last two decades but much remains to be learned. We need better insight into the long term lifecycles of innovative places.