New consumer new motivations over the last few years there has been a significant change in the way in which consumers perceive telcos as a consequence of the evolution that the consumption of these services is experiencing. According to a study published by the financial consulting firm guggenheim millennials currently represent the majority of the active population. This is particularly significant for several reasons among which is the fact that millennials have grown up with technology which makes them much more skilled with it. While promoting convergent plans can ultimately reduce churn rate telcos will need to address the main reason for churn not offering customers especially millennials the services and experiences they want.
With the emergence of pims personal information management services the sector has taken a turn in the way of facing new challenges. Thanks to them it has discovered that there are new dimensions in customer value based on ac.panying them in their daily life and in their decision Mobile App Development Service making. This change in the business model has given rise to a grouped offer of different ott products and services directly related to the daily life of customers and which in many cases have nothing to do with telephony.
The key is that the public perceives value in these services and is willing to acquire them in the form of a package information that .panies can export from the pims. be.e a content channel in themselves trying to divert entertainment and information consumption from the new business models that generate them and use their network to serve them. By empowering and leveraging all the data exchanged between telcos and customers pims help explore new dimensions of customer value. But only if .panies have changed their strategy and culture from b c to me b customers will be the ones who begin to share their motivations with .panies proactively.