Don't risk it! Enter your e-mail, we will contact you Integration meetings can immediately have a positive impact on employee relations and contribute to creating a unique atmosphere in every company. It is worth using this tool fully consciously and knowing what benefits are to come from the integration meeting. If we want to improve communication in the company, increase motivation, introduce new people to the team, build employee loyalty - an integration meeting will be a great idea. Company events - a short guide on how to organize them company ball.
The organization of integration meetings in large companies is handled by the PR or HR department, and in smaller ones - by the direct supervisor. Some companies decide to hire an event team or outsource the organization in the place where the meeting takes place, for photo editor example in a hotel. Company party For the company, integration meetings are often a luxury, which additionally generates significant costs. An argument against integration meetings is also often the reluctance of employees to participate in the event. While it is difficult to argue with the first position.
Which simply requires a change of approach, in the case of the second situation, it may be a good idea to try to change the form of the meeting. Perhaps the attractions discourage participation? Or maybe the whole event is conducted in a boring and too conventional way? An employer who is willing but struggling with a shortage of volunteers should openly discuss the matter with their team. Commplace event agency Integration meeting - is it worth coming? Integration meetings are optional for employees , not obligatory. If someone doesn't.