The ideas and is the key to delaying its aging. February 19 2018 at 152 PMReply Juan Sebastian Mora Modesto It allows us to observe and understand the human being who finds it very difficult to leave the comfort zone and for this the best thing that can be done is to break the paradigms stimulate the mind change the daily routine and the environment. March 12 2018 at 800 PMReply MAYERLY ANDREA PATINO GALEANO The article is very interesting and has many helps so that our brain is maximally enhanced the idea is to have the attitude.
To carry out this process and doing so will really improve our brain functions and we will be people who are more focused and prepared for our goals. March 12 2018 at PMReply ANDRES HERRERA USA Phone Number List ROMERO Good day Excellent topic to go beyond what we know because in our daily lives we see how our brain little by little becomes lazier because the use we give to technology is not the most appropriate we already have a chip in our head And on the Internet we find everything but we do not stop to make it work in an adequate way and this will generat.
Shocks since when we put it to work there is like a memory in our head which is so programmed that if we are trying to Doing something different is requiring us to do what is usual that is the fear of having able to generate a spark in the people around us. Entrepreneurship is the best way to awaken everything for which we came here. world sometimes we see how we say Im not good for this for example at that moment we already program our mind to prevent it from doing what we are trying to do we program ourselves as much or more than a machine and you are the result of everything you think.